Comex / Codir and Directoire

Executive Committee/ Management Committee or Management Board

Le Executive or Management CommitteeAt the heart of the company's operational activities, the Human Resources department must demonstrate exceptional agility in the face of today's challenges. In an environment marked by intense competition, rapid technological advances and growing social challenges, the ability to innovate while preserving internal cohesion is fundamental.

The Directoire is faced with the need to make rapid, well-informed decisions in an increasingly volatile and complex business environment. Their responsibility to steer the company towards its strategic objectives, while managing risks and seizing opportunities for sustainable development, requires expertise and a global perspective.

L'assessment of the Executive Committee/ Management Committee or the Management Board by BCP Partners makes it possible to :

  • Strengthening communication and cohesion within the management team,
  • Aligning it with short, medium and long-term strategic objectives.

Equipped with a a clear and aligned strategic vision The team's ability to lead change and promote a culture of performance and inclusion is strengthened by this dynamic.

Our aim is to create efficient Executive/Management Committees or Management Boards, ready to successfully navigate through market turbulence and seize growth opportunities.